Who Buys Printer Cartridges
Do you have a supply room full of unwanted printer cartridges and extra toner that retail stores refuse to allow you to return? Galaxy Surplus will pay top dollar for these unused, surplus cartridges! If you have overstock, liquidation, or supplies you no longer need because of equipment changes, we will buy your OEM toner and inkjet cartridges, fusers, drums, phasers, maintenance, and transfer kits.
who buys printer cartridges
Each Base Rewards member may recycle up to 10 cartridges per month, and each Premier and Elite Rewards members may recycle up to 20 cartridges per month of any used ink or toner cartridge sold at any retail store in the U.S. or on staples.com and receive $2 back in recycling rewards per cartridge. In store, the member must be physically present at the store when the cartridges are turned in for recycling and a membership account is identified. Online, the member can log in at staples.com/rewards with their membership account to gain access to ink and toner recycling. Qualifying cartridges recycled online can take up to 10 business days for processing. Staples will accept additional cartridges for recycling, but recycling rewards will only be issued for the first 10 qualifying cartridges for Base Rewards members, or the first 20 qualifying cartridges for Premier and Elite Rewards members, per calendar month per member.
Recycling rewards are issued to the member monthly, online, at staples.com/rewards, separately from a member's standard Rewards statement, approximately within 30 days after the month in which the recycling was completed. Issued recycling rewards may be used for the same purposes and are under the same restrictions as rewards. Dependent upon timing of recycling, additional processing time for qualifying cartridges recycled online may cause them to appear in the following monthly Rewards statement (approximately within 60 days). Recycling rewards are credited to the member's Rewards account in full each month with no minimum required. Expired, lost or misdirected recycling rewards will not be reissued. Recycling rewards not received due to incorrect account information, including email address, will not be reissued.
InkRecycling.org will offer to pay cash for your used printer cartridges. OR Get rid of them at your local office supply store which will take some time out of your busy day. Most likley they will not pay you anything.
Fundraise and help your school, church or nonprofit with a FREE recycling program. Recycling empty printer cartridges is a great way to put some cash back into your group or organization
Refill the original brand cartridges to save time and avoid a trip to the store. Be advised, this will get messy and there is no guarantee once you decide to tamper with an original HP cartridge
Once you've collected your empty cartridges, go to InkRecycling.org to ger an instant trade-in estimate. We'll email you a free shipping label once your answered a few questions about your cartridge trade-in. After, you can drop off your ready to ship box of cartridges at the closest UPS.
InkRecycling.org will send you money every month in the form of a check. Big-box office-supply stores like OfficeDepot only have recycling reward programs for store credit. These stores only give you limited credit for each qualifying cartridge that you turn in, up to a maximum of 10 empty cartridges per month. We have no limit on recycling!
You can recycle computers for money, so it only makes sense that you should be able to make money selling used ink cartridges. Besides helping you cut down on costs to run your printer, selling used ink cartridges could turn into a nice little side hustle idea.
As far as pricing goes, check what other sellers are selling the type of cartridges you have for. Use previously sold and currently listed prices as a guideline for pricing your cartridges. I typically try to price just a bit below other sellers.
Some people choose to refill the ink cartridges on their own and sell them. When I looked on eBay for refilled ink cartridges for my printer, I found I could get seven of them for $19.99 with free shipping.
Then you collect and send your empty ink cartridges to Evolve by using their free shipping label. You can either print the label out or have them sent to your home. Note that you have to have at least 20 cartridges or 20 pounds worth of cartridges before you can send them in.
After you complete the information about the types of ink cartridges you have and enter your contact information, NEEDEMPTY assess your list. They get back to you with an offer amount within 24 hours.
Another company you can sell your empty cartridges to is STS INKS. STS INKS has been in the ink technology business since 1999. You need to have a minimum of 48 empty cartridges to sell to this company.
The takeaway here is that there is money to be made in the ink cartridge recycling field. If you have access to a lot of ink cartridges, you may want to consider getting in on this earth-friendly side hustle.
If you are an administrator or teacher, or involved with a non-profit organization, Cartridges for Kids will pay for and recycle your used cartridges. They accept laser and inkjet cartridges, and they provide free labels.
We only buy brand new, original and genuine factory sealed products as you would see in a retail store. You can sell us any quantity of genuine name brand toner and ink cartridges, assuming they are packaged in the original retail box and in good condition!
Ink cartridge recycling is now available as part of regular recycling in most municipalities. Find more info here: Recycle ink cartridges near me. If it's not available in your area, consider using eCycle Group, a recycling program for empty ink cartridges and laser toner. If you have empty cartridges, you can send them to eCycle in exchange for cash, or a donation to the charity of your choice.
eCycle Group manages all aspects of the collection and payment process, so please reach out to them directly with any questions. The process is simple: once you have located your printer cartridges on their list, fill in the number of cartridges you are returning and calculate the amount due. Be sure to fill in your contact information and preferred method of payment.
Recycling your printer ink cartridges makes sense - it's good for the environment because it reduces the amount of plastic put into landfills. And it's good for your wallet by giving you cash back for your empty cartridges. Read the below to learn more about recycling inkjet cartridges.
Each year, millions of empty toner and inkjet cartridges are thrown into the trash, ending up in our planet's landfills or incinerators. Recycling these empty cartridges is easy, profitable and environmentally beneficial. It helps reduce solid waste, conserves raw materials and the energy needed to produce a new product. Most cartridges can be recycled up to six times - they are refurbished, refilled and then resold to consumers at a lower price than brand name cartridges. Recycled cartridges produce the same quality and output as new cartridges.
Ink cartridges are constructed out of plastic, petroleum-based products and take about 1,000 years to decompose. According to recent estimates, 20-40% of ink cartridges are recycled, meaning 60-80% end up in landfills. The recovery and reuse of empty printer cartridges diverts millions of cubic feet of material from waste disposal, saving us the millions of tax dollars needed to pay for additional landfill management.
The easiest way to find a recycling location is to search the Internet for organizations that accept used cartridges in exchange for cash. All sites offer pre-paid free shipping or pickup of used cartridges, and some pay up to $4 per cartridge.
Recycling used cartridges also makes a great fundraiser for schools, church groups, charities, high school sports teams and other non-profit organizations. It can also be a significant cost savings for businesses.
Each recycling site has a list of printer cartridges that they will accept. Be sure to check that list before sending in your empty cartridges, because each organization will only pay for cartridges that they can accept - some even charge a penalty for cartridges that are not accepted. Some of the above recycling groups also offer new, recycled content and recyclable business and consumer products available at deeply discounted prices for school, office or personal use.
Start recycling your used ink cartridges today! Whether you opt to receive cash back or donate the proceeds to charity, it is the responsibility of everyone to do all we can today in order to insure the health of our planet tomorrow.
Epson, in cooperation with Funding Factory, recently launched a free recycling program for its customers. Schools and businesses can get points for collecting and remitting empty cartridges to Epson. However, the cartridges are not remanufactured or refilled. They are incinerated. To be fair, mention must be made that the incineration is at an environmentally friendly waste-to-energy plant; however, it's easy to see that Epson is the big winner in this recycling effort. Their recycling plan takes cartridges out of the hands of remanufacturing plants that can offer less expensive remanufactured compatible cartridges to the consumer.
Hewlett Packard also has a free recycling program and they proudly announce that more than 1.8 million HP inkjet cartridges were recycled in 2003. Unfortunately, for the consumer, plastics and metal from the HP cartridges are also disassembled and made into new products. Other components are used to generate energy or are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.
Canon offers its customers several options for recycling canon ink cartridges, including a single return option, an up-to-eight multiple return option, and a bulk return option. Whichever you choose, a shipping label can be downloaded directly from their website. Return shipping via UPS is pre-paid by the company. It appears from many recycling and other eco-friendly programs displayed on their website, that Canon is a leader in environmental stewardship, however to date they have no recycling program in place for inkjet cartridges. 041b061a72